Chapter 21: Meetings with Professor White

Ryou went to bed that night thinking that he now had a guilt-free excuse not to be on the team. The Weasly twins did not see it so, and would not be so easily discouraged, as Ryou found out the next day at breakfast.

"Whitey! Hey, Whitey!"

Upon hearing Fred address him, Ryou turned from his eggs. "Yes?" he asked cautiously.

Fred gestured to a boy standing beside him. "Dean, here, is going to teach you to catch and throw." The twins smiled broadly as if this were the best possible news.

Ryou's mouth involuntarily dropped. Malik snickered at his reaction.

"Fred an' George told me how you needed help," Dean said. "And they told me how you handled Malfoy. The team needs someone like that. And I have a foolproof method to get you as skilled as any other Chaser. Luckily all those muggle sports I played have prepared me for almost anything." Dean grinned, apparently proud of himself.

Ryou smiled back sheepishly. "Really, you don't need to go through all that trouble for me, I can just-"

"Nonsense, Whitey," George said, clapping Ryou on the back. "It's for the team and Gryffindor! Besides, everyone should know how to catch and throw. We don't mind doing you this favor. We'll meet by the lake this afternoon. Be ready!"

"Uh...thanks..." Ryou muttered, barely audible.

"No problem!" George said. "See you later." They waved as they headed towards the other, less crowded end of the Gryffindor table. When Ryou turned back to his plate, his eggs didn't seem nearly as appetizing as they had before and he pushed his plate away. Yugi seemed sympathetic, while Malik appeared to be enjoying Ryou's situation.

"So, Bakura, you're already well on your way to the top of both Divination and Quidditch, which subject are you going to conquer next?" Malik asked in a mock reporter's voice while holding a hand to Ryou's face as if it contained a microphone.

"Transfiguration. I'm going to turn you into something that doesn't talk nearly as much," Ryou mumbled.

Malik only snickered some more. "It's not as easy as it sounds, you know."

"You don't have to play if you don't want to," Hermione commented, sensing how Ryou really felt. "They'll understand."

"She's right," Harry added. "If you're not comfortable playing, I'm sure we'll make do. Don't let Fred and George talk you into something you don't want to do."

"Are you kidding?" Malik said, speaking up before Ryou got the chance. "Bakura can't wait to play. He just doesn't want to seem too eager."

"I can speak for myself, Malik," Ryou said, narrowing his eyes. Malik put his hands up submissively and said no more. "I'll give them a chance," Ryou said to Hermione and Harry as he stood and slung his book bag over his shoulder. "I'm not committing to anything yet. See you in Professor McGonagall's class."

"Wait for me, Bakura," Yugi called, picking up his own books. Malik watched, shaking his head as they left.

"He's as good as on the team," he muttered, sipping his orange juice. "He'll never turn them down."


Yugi and Ryou headed towards class early and were the first in Transfiguration. McGonagall was already there, and she greeted them, a little less stern than she usually was. They soon saw why, as she immediately congratulated Ryou on being up for the Quidditch team. But, always the professional, she also informed him that it would be no excuse to slack off on his homework.

"Should I really join the team, Professor?" Ryou asked. "You know, all things considered?"

"I don't see why not. You two, or you four, I should say, said that your... "situation" wasn't going to be a problem, didn't you?"

"Right, but..." Ryou scratched his head. He really didn't have anything to say to that.

"Are you getting along well in your other classes?" the Professor asked.

"We're doing pretty well," Yugi answered cheerfully. "We're making friends and getting along with most everybody."

"Most everybody? I take it Mr. Malfoy would not be included in that?" McGonagall said, giving Yugi and Ryou her piercing glance.

"So you heard," Ryou mumbled.

"From both Professor Snape and Hagrid. They said that there were...questionable circumstances in their classes. Care to enlighten me?"

"The other me doesn't care for Malfoy," Ryou admitted. He decided not to include Malik's involvement. "There's a severe personality clash. Believe me, it's mutual. Malfoy doesn't like him... er, me, um... us, either."

"I'm afraid that all of you will just have to put forth more of an effort. I don't want any more reports like this. You are not going to have any special consideration when it comes to behavior."

"Look, woman, I am not going to let that annoying little daddy's boy, Malfoy, push me or anyone associated with me around," Yami Bakura said angrily, suddenly taking control and giving Ryou no chance to protest. "If I'm pushed, I push back, and that's just the way it works. If you want to keep the peace, you'll inform that miserable little boy to stay out of my way."

McGonagall seemed unfazed by Bakura's sudden personality shift and even less impressed by Yami Bakura's warning. "I shall do no such thing. It is your responsibility to restrain yourself. You've said that you've existed for centuries. Surely if you've been through that much, you can handle a 'little boy'. And five points from Gryffindor for your disrespectful outburst."

"What?!" Yami Bakura was not used to being shot down so easily. He gritted his teeth and angrily clenched his fists. Yugi, fearing the worst, stepped in front of Yami Bakura, hands outstretched to block Yami Bakura in any way he could.

"Calm down! Please! You'll just get us all in trouble. The Professor's right. Malfoy's nothing. Just don't worry about him!" Yugi pleaded. Yami Bakura narrowed his eyes at Yugi and scowled. But then his expression softened as Ryou was once more allowed control. Yugi gave a relieved sigh and lowered his arms. "Between you and Malik, I'm going to end up having a heart-attack by the age of twenty..." Yugi muttered.

Ryou massaged his temples as if he had a headache. "Sorry, Yugi," he said, then he quickly turned to the Professor. "And I apologize for my other's actions, Professor," he added. "He has very little in the way of patience, and I can't stop him when he's like this."

McGonagall nodded slightly in Ryou's direction. "What the your dark personality does doesn't affect my opinion of you, Mr. Bakura. It would not be fair." She gave Ryou a small, comforting smile. He returned it. "But I do want you and Yugi doing the best you can to prevent the fighting. Your friend, Mr. Ishtal, seems like he will put forth no such effort."

"Malik?" Yugi question.

"Yes, I am aware that he is not completely innocent. Ten minutes with him in my class was more than enough to let me know that." She was referring to Malik immediately turning to the advanced spells in the back of his book, and then becoming frustrated when he found himself unable to use them, muttering something about the "lousy swizzle stick, can't even turn Malfoy into a cockroach..." McGonagall continued. "But he is in Professor Snape's house, not mine, so it is not my place to speak to him about his behavior. And Professor Snape can't seem to find any wrong with him."

"Except that he's friends with us," Ryou said.

McGonagall pursed her lips. "Professor Snape has his...personality quirks, but he is fiercely loyal to the headmaster and Hogwarts, and he is more than willing to take risks for the sake of either. You shouldn't be so quick to judge. Such as in the case of many others, there is more to Professor Snape than what you see."

<The teacher is wise,> Yami said from the corners of Yugi's mind. Yugi nodded in agreement. But he still couldn't see Professor Snape sticking his neck out for anybody. It just didn't fit.

This was the first day that Yugi and Ryou really got any special attention in classes. In both Transfiguration and Charms, the other students were too far ahead for the boys to possibly start at their level. Once the more experienced students were started on their lessons, the professors worked on teaching Yugi and Ryou the basics. Yugi was delighted to finally find something that he was better at than Ryou. Yugi had a knack for wand work. He was able to turn a matchstick into a needle after only half and hour, while Ryou only succeeded in making his matchstick pointy. Ryou wasn't too upset about it. What did he want more sharp objects around for, anyway? Truth be told, Ryou didn't see much point to transfiguration at all. Wouldn't it be just as easy to buy a needle? And why would anyone want to turn a turtle into a teapot? Poor turtle... What did it do to deserve that? Besides, what were the chances that you would have a turtle handy, but not a teapot? And how unsanitary to be pouring your drinks from what used to be the mouth of a turtle. It all seemed somewhat ridiculous to Ryou.

In charms, Yugi shined again, mastering the popular "Wingardium Leviosa" in almost record time. Ron complimented him, saying that Yugi would be a natural at duels. Wizard duels, of course. Once more, Ryou found wand work difficult. He ended up with his wand floating out of his hand rather than the feather that was supposed to. Tiny Professor Flitwick (who made even Yugi feel tall) said that Ryou was too distracted. Mastery of the wand requires a mind focused on the task at hand. Ryou could reply with nothing but a shrug.

After lunch was Herbology. It was Yugi and Ryou's turn to be introduced to the Snapdragons. Luckily, there was no one in the class conspiring against them (as was the case with Malik) so there was little danger involved. Herbology seemed like little more than greenhouse work. Very little skill required for the actual work, though one would have to a bit learned to remember all the techniques and facts required. Which was why it was so amazing that Herbology was Neville Longbottom's subject.

After classes, they all headed out to the lake to see how the Weasly twins' latest plan would work out. Fred and George were already there as there last class had let out early when someone's potion started releasing toxic fumes and the dungeon area had to be evacuated. Professor Snape had not been happy. But the fumes had also not allowed the Slytherins to their dorm, so Malik was also there waiting. He'd made sure Malfoy didn't follow this time. Dean arrived shortly after, having gone to set down his school stuff and pick up some supplies. He held in his hands a large softball, or cabbage ball.

"Shouldn't we start with the Quaffle, Dean?" Fred asked.

"I know what I'm doing," Dean answered. He instructed Ryou to stand about twenty feet from him. "Now, Bakura, this ball is easy enough to catch, and not too awkward to throw. Think you can handle it?"

"I-I can try," Ryou stammered.

"You better do more than try," Dean said. "Because I'll be aiming for your head, and if you don't catch it, it will hurt." Dean reared back.

"WHAT?!" Ryou hollered. Dean let the ball fly, and as promised, it headed straight for Ryou's face. Ryou yelped and dove to the ground, hands covering his head protectively. The ball landed harmlessly behind him.

"Now it doesn't work if you do it that way," Dean scolded, hands on his hips.

"You were going to hit me in the face!" Ryou accused, looking up from the ground.

"That's the idea," Dean said. Apparently this whole plan made sense to him. "I'm going to force you to catch it, with it being that or getting hit with the ball. Works every time. It's how my Grandfather taught me and all my cousins how to catch. Sure, there were some black eyes, but it was nothing. We all learned how to catch perfectly in almost no time. And it was all done completely without magic."

"But you were going to hit me in the face," Ryou repeated, convinced he didn't need another argument.

"Now, look," Dean said in a very authoritive manner. "This WILL work, but not if you jump to the ground every time I throw the ball at you. Don't make me curse it to follow you around and hit you until you catch it, because I will if I need to."

"Isn't that a tad harsh?" Hermione asked.

"Relax, Hermione," George said. "We wouldn't let Dean do it this way if we thought Whitey could really get hurt."

"How is my getting bruised going to successfully motivate me to play?" Ryou asked, arms crossed.

"The satisfaction of learning how to catch would be more than enough, I would think," Dean replied. "Now get back into position and lets try this again."

"I am going to regret this," Ryou muttered.

Harry didn't stick around to watch Ryou get pummeled for too long. He had other business to attend to...a meeting with Sirius. Ron and Hermione were the only other souls who knew the true identity of the mysterious Professor White besides him, a few staff members, and Dumbledore. Harry had told them while alone in the common room on the night he himself had found out.

Tonight, Harry had more on his mind than paying a simple, cheerful visit.

Sirius gave Harry a distracted greeting when he entered. The professor was rummaging around on his desk, having misplaced the next day's lesson.

"I'll be with you in a minute, Harry," he said.

"It's fine," Harry assured. "I just wanted to talk before we got started on the training. No boggart today, I hope."

"No, definitely not," Sirius replied. "I think a boggart isn't a challenge for you anymore anyway. I think you can handle it or a dementor should you ever come across one."

"Well," Harry started. "I kinda wanted to talk about what happened with the boggart last time. With that guy..."

Sirius stopped what he was doing and looked up. "Has the boy been alright?"

"Yes, but... it's weird. He's weird. Him and the other guy who showed up on the train with him, Yugi."

"What's so weird about them?" Sirius asked, growing concerned.

"The way they act. They're nice and perfectly calm one minute, and then the next it's like they're a totally different person. Like Bakura, for example. He's so quiet most of the time, but every once in a while...he'll change and remind me of whatever it was the boggart turned into. With that sinister expression and attitude. I...I just thought I should ask you what you think about it. Am I completely paranoid?"

"No, I don't think you're paranoid," Sirius answered, walking away from his desk and towards Harry. "I felt that there was something not quite right. That boggart incident had been bugging me, too. But...I'm sure that we don't have the whole story, so I'm hesitant to suggest anything."

"Do you think they could have been sent by Voldemort?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Sirius answered. "It would be odd for him to recruit so young, but I wouldn't put it past him. I have to say that what you're telling be does sound a bit like the Imperius Curse. Sudden temperament changes, acting out of the ordinary..."

"But how come they don't react to being under its influence?" Harry said. "They snap out of it as it nothing happened. And they change at the oddest moments. Like to play chess or fight with Malfoy.'s not just their personality. They change physically, too! Yugi gets taller and Bakura's hair gets spikier and both their eyes change shape. Hermione and Ron don't see it, but I know I'm not the only one."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because they seem to notice when the other changes. I've seen it in their faces."

"That does sound odd," Sirius said. "And you think that the boggart was a clue? Is that why you used it to bring this subject up?" Harry nodded. "I think you're right," Sirius agreed. "But how to put it all together? Tell you what. We'll skip today's session, and I'll go talk to Dumbledore. Maybe he knows something we don't."

"I think that's a good idea." Harry said.

"I really should have gone to Dumbledore earlier," Sirius said, not happy with himself. "I though I was being paranoid. I guess you can never be too careful, especially these days. It could be explained why the boggart seemed to turn into that boy, Bakura. I rationalized that it must have been an abusive brother or something. But what it called him made me really start to wonder."

"What it called him?" Harry asked, confused.

"Didn't you hear what it said?" Sirius questioned.

"No, I couldn't hear it."

Sirius paused. "It said something about giving too much freedom. And it called Bakura 'landlord'."

"Landlord? What does that mean?"

"I don't know. That's what confused me. If it were a brother, why would it call him 'landlord'? And the way it seemed to make everything go dark was...unnerving."

Harry thought hard. "Could they be some sort of magical creature? Like Lupin? That would explain why they act weird only part of the time and why Bakura would be scared of himself."

"I don't know of any such creature off hand," Sirius said, hand stroking his chin as he thought. "They wouldn't be werewolves or vampires. No shapeshifter that I know of."

"Maybe they're only part something," Harry suggested, open to any possibility. "And when they act strange is when that part takes over."

"But still, why 'landlord?'"

Harry was stumped. "I think you should just go to Dumbledore."

"Good idea." Sirius said with a nod. "I'll let you know what I find out when I see you again."

"I really hope this doesn't turn out to be something bad," Harry said as Sirius prepared to go.

"Well if it is, just be glad we caught it early," assured Sirius.

"It's not just that," Harry said.

"What then?"

Harry shrugged. "I kinda like them. They're nice and funny and seem like they would be good friends. And the way they look out for each other is really admirable. Reminds me a lot of me, Ron, and Hermione."

"Take care, Harry," Sirius advised. "Evil hides behind a mask of kindness, as you've already seen in the past."

Harry sighed. "I know..."


It was unsure yet whether Dean's method was doing Ryou any good, and Dean said it would be a few days before any improvement would show. A trip to Madame Pomfrey was necessary after this first practice to help with Ryou's fresh bruises. They weren't as bad as Ryou thought they would be. He'd had worse.

Normally, Ryou would give up on caring about what other people thought at this point and quit. But one more negative remark from Yami Bakura and Ryou was determined to prove himself at least ABLE to make the team. Whether or not the spirit of the ring was using reverse psychology is unknown.

At dinner, Malik revealed the letter he had translated for Yugi.

"Took me last night and a bit of this afternoon to finish it," Malik commented. "Hope you appreciate it."

"Oh, I do, Malik. Thanks!" Yugi said. "Here Bakura, you gonna send it with your letter?"

"Of course." Ryou took the letter and luckily happened to glance at it as he was about to put it away. "Malik!"


"You didn't do a very good job of translating," Ryou scolded. "Yugi does not refer to Kaiba like that."

"He should. The guy is a-"

"Thank you, Malik. I can see what you think he is from this letter."

"What did he say?" Yugi asked innocently.

"Nevermind," Ryou said. "Hermione, do you have something that can erase quill ink?"

Hermione reached in her bag and pulled out what looked like a tiny brush. "I never leave the common room without it," she said. Ryou was unsure, but he found that when he brushed over the offensive words, they erased cleanly and he was able to correct the translation, mocking Malik's handwriting to the best of his ability. One couldn't tell that a change had been made when he finished.

"I'll go send them with Nightshade now," said Ryou. "I'm done eating."

"Do you know where the Owlery is?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, thank you," Ryou answered. "Want to tag along, Yugi?"


Yugi and Ryou picked up and headed up to the tower that contained the Owlery. Soon after, and announcement was made that the dungeon areas were clean again and Malik was able to return to the Slytherin dorm. Students continued filing out, and finally, Harry, Ron, and Hermione did the same. But as they were heading to the Gryffindor common room, Harry saw Sirius walking down another hallway out of the corner of his eye. He must have just come from speaking with Dumbledore.

"I'll be right with you," he said to Ron and Hermione. "Go on ahead. I've got to talk to Professor White."

"Are you going to fill us in on all these private meetings, Harry?" Ron asked.

"Later," Harry said, darting off to catch up with Sirius.

Harry found him as he was heading into his classroom. "Si-Professor, what did Dumbledore say?"

Sirius turned to face Harry. Harry had not seen a look quite like this on his godfather's face before.

"Harry, you know I would tell you if it was something that you needed to worry about now, right?" Sirius asked seriously.


"Then trust me when I say that you should stay out of it for the time being. This is one of those things where the less you know, the better."

Harry looked almost hurt. What could it possibly be that even Sirius wouldn't tell him?

"You needn't concern yourself," Sirius said again. "Dumbledore told me everything, but I gave him my word not to share it with another soul. If it were something dangerous, he would not make me give that promise."

Harry sighed. "I understand."

"Good," Sirius said with a nod. "I have a feeling that this will not remain a secret to everyone for long. And should the time come, it will likely be your new friends who explain everything to you."

If there was anything that could give Harry confidence that Yugi and Bakura were safe to be around, it was the way Sirius referred to them as his "new friends."


Chapter 22
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