Chapter 29: A Close Call

"I'm surprises Si- er, Professor White wasn't more professional," Hermione said.

"Did you want him to expel us?" Ron asked, bewildered as to why Hermione would complain.

"I thought he would do SOMETHING at least. He didn't even take away house points. That's unfair favoritism."

Harry rolled his eyes at Hermione. "Well, Snape does it for Slytherin, so I don't see why Sirius can't do it for us. Just be glad you kept your prefect title."

Hermione pursed her lips, still disapproving, but she wasn't going to deny that she would have been terribly upset to have lost her title.

It was the next day and they were all gathered around Hagrid's hut, waiting for class to start. Judging from the absence of the crates that normally contained the Irish Pygmies Hagrid was running late.

Yugi, Malik, and Ryou were off to the side by themselves, also discussing the events of the previous day.

"I find it all kinda interesting, myself," Malik commented. "Everybody's on edge. And with the double punishment, Malfoy's been hesitant to do anything. He's watching for opportunities, though. I can see it."

"You're paranoid," Yugi said. "You realize that if you stopped this whole ordeal with him would be over, don't you?"

"Yeah, but what fun would that be?"

"Double punishment applies to you too, you know."

"I don't get caught."

"That tree caught you pretty good," Yami Bakura said slyly. He had taken charge for conversation's sake as they were supposed to be on the subject of the discussion he had had with Ryou the previous day. But Malik was completely healed, so he didn't want to miss the opportunity to rub the Whomping Willow event in his face.

"It surprised me is all," Malik defended.

Yami Bakura scoffed. "Surprised? Wasn't the name some kind of indication? I mean, 'Whomping Willow'... Just can't take a hint, can you?"

"Oh shut up," Malik said, annoyed. "You didn't know either."

"But I didn't get my butt kicked by a tree."

//Can we get back to the matter at hand, please?\\ Ryou spoke up from his soul room.

//Yeah, yeah...\\ Yami Bakura muttered in reply. "Back to what I was saying earlier," he said aloud. "Ryou's been having nightmares that I'm pretty sure are a clear indication that there are rough times ahead. And that Voldy-whatever guy is probably the source. It makes sense with that Tarot card reading a few weeks back."

"I thought you weren't going for this fate stuff anymore," Malik said.

"Don't blame me, blame Ryou. It's his damn dream."

"So we're sure it's this dark wizard?" Yugi questioned. The last he'd heard, they still thought it was Malik.

"It looks that way," Yami Bakura replied dryly. "There are still a few parts of the dream that don't quite make sense, though. Like why Ryou found that he couldn't move. And the cold. I can't explain the cold."

"The not moving thing might be that spell that Malfoy's always accusing me of," Malik offered. "It's supposed to be really powerful or something and only the dark wizards use it. And from what I understand, it allows the user to control the person they use it on."

"That could be it," Yami Bakura said. He placed a hand on his chin, as if pondering the possibility.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Yugi asked.

"Nothing," Yami Bakura answered. "Just wait and see."

Hagrid finally appeared, stumbling out from the back of his hut. Yami Bakura returned to his soul room and allowed Ryou to resume control for the lesson. "Sorry 'bout bein' late," Hagrid muttered to his class. "We'll have to take a break from the Irish Pygmies. They're teething."

"They did that already," Malfoy said. "How many times do these beasts grow new teeth?"

"Three," Hagrid replied simply. "An' it gets worse as it goes along. It makes 'em a bit more irritable an' snippy, so's best to leave 'em alone for the time bein'." Hagrid displayed his own bandaged fingers as evidence. "I've got something else, though. Come along, follow me."

The students did as they were told and followed Hagrid to the back of his hut. The were immediate squeals of delight from many of the girls, as well as groans from the boys as they saw the great white horse with a spiral horn tied just outside the Forbidden Forest.

"But we did unicorns already, Hagrid," Ron moaned.

"Not all of ya did," Hagrid said, motioning to Yugi, Ryou, and Malik. "An' it wouldn't hurt the rest of ya to review what with your O.W.L.s and all." More groans were heard with the mention of the exams. "I did have to put this together at the last minute. I was lucky I found this one wanderin' nearby. I thought it would be a good chance to show you a unicorn that's a bit more friendly than the other's you've seen. You see, this stallion here's been in close contact with humans all his life. See tha'?" Hagrid pointed to what looked like a brand featuring crossed wands on the unicorn's flank. "Means this animal's been used to gather magical ingredients from."

The students all leaned in for a closer look. Hagrid beamed with pride to see them so interested in his lesson. "It's illegal to try to keep a unicorn domestic, so they have to get ingredients from wild ones. But they start when they're young, so the animals get used to it. I know this one's tail hairs have been used in wands. And I think his horn's been cut off a few times as well, but as you can see, it grows back. Doesn't hurt 'em a bit. Now, who can tell me the differences between the stallions and the mares? In the eye's of an ingredients collector?" he added when he saw a few of the students giggling among themselves.

Predictably, Hermione's hand shot in the air. "Ingredients can be gathered from both," she said, "but the stallion's will fetch a higher price because it is supposed to be more potent. And the mare's tail hairs are rarely used in wands. Also, it's illegal to take a horn from a mare with a foal."

"Excellent, Hermione!" Hagrid said. "Five points for Gryffindor. And I'll make it ten if you can tell me what a group of unicorns is called."

"A Glory," Hermione replied confidently. "But unicorns only gather in groups in the spring after the snow melts. At all other times of the year, they're solitary."

"Very good," Hagrid beamed. "Ten it is. Now, this unicorn should be a bit more used to boys than the others were. Most ingredient gathers are men, and they're usually very gentle. So you boys can try to get a bit closer than ya'll did last time. Come on now, don't be nervous. Girls, let the guys through for a moment, tha's it. Now, ya'll should all be alright to touch it. It might get a bit skittish though if it senses somethin' 'bout ya. Unicorns can sense an impure soul."

One by one, the boys took hesitant steps forward towards the great horned beast but none seemed willing to be the first to reach out and touch it. Just how much did it take to make a soul "impure?" None of the boys seemed too eager to get too close, feeling as if they were being judged. Hagrid attempted to urge them farther but to no avail. Finally, Harry took it upon himself to step forward. He took a deep breath and reached out to stroke the unicorn's pearly-white coat and was relieved when it didn't back away from him. The unicorn's hair was slightly coarse with age, but still pleasant to the touch. Encouraged by Harry's example, the other boys neared. Ron joined Harry, running his own hand along the stallion's flank. Then they moved on so the other boys could have their chance.

The majority of the Gryffindor boys didn't have any problems, nor did most of the Slytherins, although the unicorn did snort and back away from a few of them. Malfoy was among those rejected. Nobody bothered to question why.

Yugi, Ryou, and Malik hung in the back as the other boys had their turn. "Just how good is it at reading souls?" Ryou wondered aloud.

"I'd like to know that, too," Yugi answered. "I think I would be able to get close. I don't know know."

"Doesn't matter with me," Malik answered. "That thing's never going to let me near it. Theft and conspiracy have no doubt tarnished my soul...among other things."

"You go, Bakura," Yugi urged. "You're probably the best out of us."

"You're two fairly decent people," Ryou answered. "I'm one decent person and one...well, I'm not sure how to put it nicely."

"Just go, Bakura," Malik said. "If it decides it doesn't like you, it'll just snort at you, in which case you back away slowly. No harm done."

"Well..." Bakura glanced nervously at the dwindling line ahead of him. He did want to try. How many chances was he going to get to touch a real unicorn in his lifetime? Cautiously, he stepped forward.

The unicorn was truly beautiful up close. Its gleaming white coat reflected the gentle autumn sunlight. Its eyes were a misty blue and its hooves a cool grey. Ryou continued his approach slowly, looking for any signs of rejection from the stallion. His confidence built as the unicorn continued to allow him closer. He was now an arm's length from the great beast. He reached a trembling hand forward.

The unicorn whinnied in protest before Ryou's hand could ever make contact. It tossed its head back, pulling against the ropes that bound it to the tree. Ryou pulled his arm back immediately and made a hasty retreat. The stallion continued to eye him as he backed off, watching his every movement until he was a safe distance away. Malfoy and his goons observed it all, snickering the whole time. Ryou furrowed his eyebrows, hurt.

"Well, if it wouldn't let you near, I'd say my chances are slim and none," Malik muttered.

"Yeah," Yugi agreed. "I don't think Yami'll make it past."

"It was more afraid of me than of Malfoy..." Ryou mumbled, more to himself than his companions.

"Don't sweat it, Bakura," Malik whispered, clapping Ryou on the back. "It's not really you after all."

"I suppose..." Ryou replied, though he didn't look at all comforted.

A short distance away, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had witnessed Ryou's failed attempt. "I wonder what about him spooked the unicorn so much," Hermione said.

"Anyone who eats raw steak and laughs when he's in pain has to have something up with him," Ron muttered. "Nice guy or not, you can't deny he's weird and the unicorn didn't seem to like him at all."

"Malik and Yugi look as if they're not even going to try," Hermione observed.

"Looks like Bakura was the guinea pig," Ron commented.

The whole thing made Harry wonder, but he quickly pushed all his suspicions out of his mind. He was supposed to leave it alone. But still...he couldn't help think, 'What could all three of them have in common that they knew if Bakura couldn't get close, they couldn't either?'

The girls were given their turn to get close next and not one of them had any problems. Hagrid lectured for the rest of the class; he went on about the various magical ingredients that come from unicorns, proper handling, and the many laws that had to be followed (Harry was sure that Hagrid sounded a bit bitter when he began talking about the laws. There was little doubt in Harry's mind that Hagrid had broken them on more than one occasion.)

Class ended and Hagrid dismissed the students, returning inside his hut to replace the bandages on his hands. Harry, Hermione, and Ron hung back.

"There's something I wanted to show you," Hermione said, reaching into her bag. "I don't suppose either of you have been reading the Daily Prophet?" Harry and Ron shook their heads. "Well, if you had let me read this yesterday, you might not have been so eager to wander away from school. Seems that England isn't the only place where the Death Eaters are getting more active. Look at this."

Hermione unfolded the paper and held so her comrades could see. Displayed at the top was the headline: Magical Murders at Muggle Museum. Below it was a large photo featuring what must have the museum in question surrounded by various magical officers who appeared to be investigating the scene. Standing alone off to one side was a solemn young woman with long black hair and an abundance of jewelry decorating her hair and throat.

"A museum?" Harry questioned.

"In Egypt," Hermione explained. "Apparently, a bunch of Death Eaters broke in and stole something, murdering a few muggle guards with the killing curse in the process. It doesn't say what they stole though. The ministry must be trying to keep it quiet."

"Hey! I've been there!" Ron suddenly exclaimed. "When I went to Egypt, Bill took us there! That's the museum he delivers some of the treasure he finds too. The stuff that the Gringotts doesn't want."

"Do you think he knows what was taken?" Hermione asked.

"Probably. Doubt he knows why, though."

"What are all of you waiting for?" Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked up to see Yugi addressing them as he made his way back towards them, followed by Malik and Ryou. "Hagrid did dismiss us, right?"

"Yeah," Harry answered. "We were just talking."

"You're from Egypt, Malik," said Ron, "why don't you come take a look at this?"

"What about Egypt?" Malik asked curiously.

"There were some murders kinda like yesterday's," Hermione answered. "Same curse, just no Dark Mark because they killed muggles." She positioned the paper so that Malik could see. His eyes went wide as soon as he laid his gaze upon it.

"That's my sister's museum!" he exclaimed, snatching the paper from Hermione so he could get a better look.

"Your sister?" Harry, Ron, and Hermione said in unison. Malik paid little attention to them.

"Good," Malik said as he scanned the page, "she and Rishid are alright. Kinda creepy how she's moving in this picture. They did kill the night watchmen, though. Dammit, what the hell would wizards want at the museum anyway?"

"Your guess is as good as ours," Harry said, shrugging. "The Death Eaters always have something up their sleeve."

"You could ask your buddy Malfoy," Ron said. "His old man's one of them."

"Malfoy?" Malik questioned.

"Him and the majority of the rest of the Slytherins have at least some family in the Death Eaters," Hermione replied. "Of course, we don't know that any of them were necessarily involved."

"I'll have to make it a point to ask him about it," Malik said, sneering.

"Even if he knows anything, I doubt he'll tell you," Harry said.

"I have my ways," Malik muttered.

"Now, don't go and do anything drastic," Ryou said, attempting to calm Malik down. "He may not even know anything about it."

"Just calm down, borrow Nightshade, and send a letter to Isis and ask her about it," Yugi spoke up.

"I could send an owl to my brother," Ron offered. "He works...there...too... Hey, didn't your sister say in a letter that she was going out with a redhead? You don't suppose...?"

"I don't even want to think about that now," Malik said through clenched teeth.

"Sticking around to see if that oaf of a groundskeeper can determine what exactly Ishtal is?" Malik quickly turned to see Malfoy approach, smirking. "After all, he does have experience with exotic wild animals."

Malik sneered, but said nothing. Curious as to why his adversary was already riled up, Malfoy scanned the area, his eyes finally falling on the copy of the Daily Prophet clinched in Malik's fist.

"Oh, is that yesterday's issue?" Malfoy said knowingly. "There was a rather interesting section about an attack on muggles in that sand pit you call home. Worried you might be next?"

"It'd take a lot more that a group of wizard rejects to take me down," Malik spat. "Care to enlighten me as to why the Death Eaters were in Egypt?"

"Now how would I know that," Malfoy said with obvious false sincerity.

"Your 'daddy dearest' is in with them, isn't he?" Malik said.

Malfoy narrowed his eyes. "Been talking with Potter, eh? I'm sorry but there's been no proof that my father is involved in that organization, just Potter's word."

"I noticed that you didn't say he isn't," Malik said simply. Malfoy only smirked and shook his head.

"I know many things, Ishtal. Much more than you could even comprehend in that primitive little brain of yours. But I'm not in the mood to share."

"I can help you with that," Malik replied, reaching into his pocket.

"I'm not about to let you do that again!" Malfoy exclaimed, pulling out his wand and pointing it at Malik. Hermione immediately began to scold Malfoy and threaten to report him. Harry and Ron seemed satisfied with letting her handle it. Ryou and Yugi tried to nonverbally coax Malik not to do anything with a series of looks and gestures. Malik appeared unfazed.

"You willing to risk double punishment, Malfoy?" Malik questioned.

"Not if I claim self-defense," Malfoy said. "Accio wand!"

Malik's bag, which he had tossed haphazardly on the ground, gave a few quick jerks in Malfoy's direction as if something inside it were trying to get out. Malfoy eyed it, somewhat surprised, and lowered his wand. As he did, the bag settled to a stop. Malik didn't have to know much about spells (which was good, because he didn't) to know what Malfoy had been trying to do.

"My wand's in my bag, you idiot," Malik said, resting one hand on his hip as if he were bored while the other remained in his pocket.

"Well, let's see what you've been hiding then," Malfoy replied. "Expelliarmus!"

The disarming charm caught Malik completely by surprise. The millennium rod was grasped tightly in his hand and concealed in his pocket of his robes one minute, and the next, it seemed to shoot out of his grip and go flying towards the woods, tearing his robes in the process. Malik swore loudly and went after it. All that Harry, Ron, Hermione, Malfoy and his goons had seen was a streak of gold. Ryou and Yugi, however, knew, and they tore off after Malik. Seeing that there was obviously a big secret behind all of this, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle followed in pursuit. Which left Harry and company with nothing to do but follow as well.

Malik spotting the glinting golden rod on the very edge of the forest and he made a mad dash for it. Unfortunately, Malik was making a bad habit of not watching his surroundings. As soon as he was within reach of the rod, the heavy pounding of hooves and furious snorts told him his mistake. His eyes went wide. The unicorn stallion had been on the edge of its rope, just inside the forest. With nowhere to go, it was becoming hysterical with the fear brought on by Malik's hasty approach. He'd been right; the unicorn didn't like him either. It tossed its head and reared up on its hind legs, making every attempt to get away, tugging desperately against the rope that held it. Malik was in serious danger of getting trampled, but he wasn't retreating with out his millennium rod.

"Malik, get out of there!" Yugi shouted. Yugi's yells seemed to free Malik from his temporary stupor. He cautiously reached forward, closing his fingers around the millennium rod. The stallion whinnied in a combination of fear and anger, a storm seeming to brew in its eyes. Its hooves thundered down so hard Malik was sure he felt the ground shake.

Hermione ran to Hagrid's cabin to get help. Harry and Ron yelled for Malik to get away, not knowing what else they could do. Malik tried not to make any sudden movements to further upset the unicorn. Slowly, he retrieved the millennium rod and pocketed it once more before anyone could get a good look at it. Malfoy decided that seeing Malik getting trampled by a unicorn would be almost as good as revealing whatever secret he was hiding, and he grinned, satisfied.

Malik began to back away. What was actually taking place in a few moments seemed to last an eternity. The unicorn continued pulling furiously at its rope. All the while its eyes darted about, looking for an escape route. As Malik retreated, the stallion saw a path away from him and attempted to take it, only to discover an equally great fear in that direction: Ryou, who had wandered around looking for an opportunity to help. His eyes widened as the stallion reacted to seeing him. It reared and turned, its hooves nearly landing on Malik again. Malik fell backwards to avoid the stampeding unicorn. Ryou backed away hastily, trying to give the unicorn an opportunity to escape again, but it was too late for that. The stallion was in hysterics, seeing what it saw as threats in every possible direction.

Yugi tried to think fast. If he tried to get close to help, he would only upset the unicorn further. And he couldn't ask Harry or Ron to endanger themselves. He saw only one option. He slipped the millennium puzzle over his neck and placed it aside before rushing to Malik's aide. At least he wouldn't have to worry about the unicorn sensing Yami. Yugi grabbed Malik (who was still recovering from the shock of almost being stepped on) and attempted to pull him out of the way. Malik seemed to regain his senses, and threw making no sudden movements to the wind, standing and backing off as fast as his feet would carry him finally coming to a rest on the ground twenty feet away from the stallion. "Geez," he muttered softly, panting, "Trees, unicorns, what's next? This whole place is against me..."

Malfoy and his goons roared with laughter, shouting their taunts and insults at Malik, who's face was red with a mixture of anger and humiliation. Malfoy's gang immediately fell silent, however, when Hagrid appeared from his hut, his hands only half bandaged.

"What's going on here?" Hagrid asked the lot of them, though he didn't need to. The skittish unicorn, the out of breath Malik, and the group of Slytherins still trying to hide their laughter told the story.

"Malfoy hit Malik with a disarming charm without cause, Hagrid," Hermione said, reporting as she had threatened to do. "Malik tried to retrieve what he lost, and accidentally upset the unicorn."

"I had cause," Malfoy defended. "Every time Ishtal reaches into his pocket, something weird and probably illegal happens. I just wanted to see what was causing it. I didn't tell the moron to go next to the unicorn."

Hagrid scratched his head, contemplating what he should do next. But before he could get too far, Malik spoke up.

"Never mind it, Hagrid. Just a misunderstanding." Looks of surprise of various degrees passed over the onlookers.

"What are you doing?" Yugi whispered. "You're just going to let him get away with it? That's not like you. Finally deciding to stop the fighting?"

"Hardly," Malik whispered back. "I just don't want them to start investigating me. Chances are I'd end up having to show what Malfoy disarmed from me, and I'd rather not do that."

"A misunderstandin' is it?" Hagrid said, still scratching his head in thought. "Well, if it was an accident, I guess there's no fault in it. Just be more careful and not so quick to suspect your fellows." Hagrid cast a look at Malfoy. "Gone on to lunch then, before ya miss it. I'll settle the unicorn down."

The students didn't need to be told twice. Yugi reclaimed his puzzle and all of them quickly retreated down the sloping grounds back to the castle. Malfoy and Malik were both angry at the other for getting away, but both were relieved at having escaped trouble themselves.

Malik, Yugi, Ryou, Harry, and company had barely sat down at the Gryffindor table when Professor McGonagall approached them.

"You're late," she observed.

"Got caught up in Magical Creatures, Professor," Harry replied quickly.

McGonagall pursed her lips. "Mr. Mouto, Mr. Bakura, and Mr. Ishtal had a meeting with the headmaster scheduled for during this lunch period, but there is no time for that now. I suppose it shall have to be rescheduled for after classes this afternoon. You three be sure you're there."

"I didn't know we had a meeting today," Yugi said.

"The decision was made too late for the morning post owls," McGonagall said. "I was to tell you at the start of lunch, but as I've said already, you were late."

"Sorry," Yugi muttered. McGonagall nodded and returned to the teachers' table. When she was gone, Malik sighed and shook his head.

"Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that we're in trouble?"


Author's Note: *has just finished book 5*.... NOOOOO!!!! NOT HIM!!! KILL OFF ANYONE BUT HIM!!!!! DAMN YOU, ROWLING, WHY'D YOU HAVE TO KILL HIM?!!!! BRING HIM BACK, DAMMIT!!! *cries* ;_;

I printed this story out, and it was 156 pages in 10 font with all author notes cut out. I'm glad I didn't try to do that on my printer. ^^;

And the 90,000 words exactly thing was COMPLETELY accidental. I'd noticed that too, when I first posted it. The word count in Word works differently than's, so I couldn't have planned that. It is kinda cool though. I've never seen that happen before. Another interesting fact is that this story, this INCOMPLETE story, makes up half of my total archived word count by itself! Before this chapter! So this story is now longer than all my other stories COMBINED and it's not even three quarters done! It may not even be more than half (oh, gods!).

Good luck to all of you who entered Zoo's contest. The heavy competition (especially in the angst section) will make me feel not so bad when I inevitably lose.

Chapter 30
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