Chapter 36: Let the Games Begin

The dark lord was not one to take failure well, and the report of the disaster in Domino City was no exception. Darcy knew this well and when he was summoned, he felt sure death was upon him. He considered running away and hiding, but a worse fate would await him if he did. Yes, worse than death.

He was white as a sheet when he was ordered to enter his master’s chamber. The room was dark save the light of a single torch. Darcy could see the huge stone tablet in the center of the room. A shadow loomed across it.

“Would you care to inform me,” the shadow said slowly, “as to why so many of my best Death Eaters were outwitted by muggle means?” He spat the last words out like they left a bad taste in his mouth. “If he had used the magic of the item, I might have more understanding. But the way I am hearing it, he outsmarted all of you without a single spell. Why is that, Darcy?”

The muggle expert was afraid to speak, but terrified of what might happen if he left the question unanswered, so he spoke. “They, that is, my associates...underestimated the target. They were...impatient. I tried to inform them, but they would not listen-“

“So you are telling me that your failure was due to the incompetence of your fellows?” the Dark Lord asked, turning to face his frightened underling, his features still hidden in shadow.

“Sir, they were ig-ignorant of how to deal with muggles, and es-especially their technology,” Darcy stammered, hoping that the worse he made the others sound, the better off he would be. “If we had not apparated, the muggle authorities would have found us. Some of them may even have been seen-“

Lord Voldemort put his hand up for silence. “Darcy. I would like nothing more than to dispose of you at this very moment...” Darcy shrank back at this. “ are the only one who has brought me any information thus far regarding the secrets of the Tablet. And because of that, I am inclined to spare you on the off chance that you prove useful once more.” Darcy relaxed a bit, but he still would have rather been anywhere else but in that room.

“You are the only one with expertise in the field of muggle studies,” the Dark Lord continued. “And it appears that our targets may very well be living among muggles. This, and this alone, saves you for the time being. Now, you are absolutely sure that this fellow from Japan is the same as the priest on the tablet?”

“Y-yes sir,” Darcy mumbled. “Reincarnated. If the prophecy has come true, he should have that item. The Millennium rod and the power of mind control. Even if he doesn’t posses the item, he should lead us to it and the rest of them. He’s fated to come in contact with the Pharaoh and other reincarnated priests.”

Voldemort nodded. “I will give you one more chance Darcy. Choose your assistants. You are in charge of the next mission. Find the target that escaped. Bring him to me alive. Kill whoever else you have to, but do not get caught. Fail, and I shall feed you piece by agonizing piece to Nagini. It has been so long since she had a good meal.” Upon hearing her name, the huge snake lifted her head from her resting spot in the corner and hissed menacingly.

Darcy shut his eyes tight against the thought of being snake food. “Y-yes, sir.”

“Go,” the Dark Lord ordered. Darcy did not have to be told twice.


The Great Hall was a sea of red, gold, green, and silver on Saturday morning as the students supported their team of choice for the day’s big Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. There was a bustle of excitement as there always was before the much-anticipated game. The Slytherin team sat at the end of their table, not to be disturbed as they prepared. Malfoy had recovered from his scare and showed little effects of it. He was now convinced that there was foreign magic at work, and he knew just who to blame. It had to be Bakura. Why else would he have made a point to try to unnerve him all during Halloween? And the Slytherin Quidditch captain was not about to let such a humiliating trick go unpunished.

Malik was taking particular risk by sitting with the Gryffindors this morning. He was getting constant glares from his table, but he didn’t seem to care. He was not sporting Gryffindor colors, but he was also not wearing his uniform Slytherin colors, preferring to go with his plain black robes and no tie. He eyed the figure next to him. Then he nudged him. “Eat, Bakura.”

Ryou’s hands were placed firmly on his knees and his lips were tightened to a thin line. He was shaking like a leaf, not so much as looking at the food before him. He either didn’t register Malik’s suggestion, or was choosing to ignore it.

“Come on, Bakura,” Yugi urged. He’d never seen Ryou so nervous in all the time he’d known him. “You won’t be able to play your best on an empty stomach.”

“If I eat...”Ryou finally muttered, “I’ll throw up.”

The Weasly twins rolled their eyes in unison. The effect of the Color Bombs had finally worn off, and their hair was back to its fiery red, making them appear even more in sync. “Look, Whitey. First game jitters. That’s okay,” George said. “It’s alright to be nervous. But it’s not that bad. You just go out there and do your best.”

“I’m going to make a fool of myself,” Ryou said. He felt like his insides were tied in a knot and he had a really bad feeling about the upcoming game. He wasn’t sure he could even move, let alone play. Yami Bakura was in a bad mood as well. The spirit didn’t voice his problem, but Ryou had a feeling that his other half still didn’t approve of him playing and the fact that Ryou was going against his wishes was only just dawning on Yami Bakura.

“There’s no reason to be so negative,” Fred said, shaking his head. “We all survived our first games and many since with no problems.” Harry wasn’t quite sure about the “no problems” part, but he knew saying this would only increase Ryou’s apprehension. So he said nothing.

“Look,” George said. “you need to relax some. Dean’s not nervous.”

“Are we talking about that Dean?” Ron said, pointing just down the table with his fork to where Dean was visible. The new Keeper seemed to be focused only on his bowl of oatmeal and he jumped nearly a foot every time someone spoke to him.

The twins gave Ron a “you’re not helping” look. “At least he’s eating,” George said as he stood to go check on Dean and offer some support.

Ryou was not comforted in the least. It didn’t help that the Slytherins had been humming the Death March every time Ryou passed by them for the last couple days. He had a feeling he was going to be paying for his yami’s fun.

Harry sighed. “Okay, so there’s little to be done to make you feel better at the moment. All I can say is maybe you won’t be so nervous when you’re up in the air. But eat something, at least. Dry toast and orange juice. That should settle your stomach. Take it from me. We don’t know how long the game’s going to last and you don’t want to have eaten nothing.”

Ryou gnawed on his bottom lip, supposing Harry was right. He gave in and poured himself a glass of juice. But he still couldn’t shake that feeling...

He really hoped Harry would be quick to catch the snitch.


The day was overcast, cold, and windy, the autumn weather finally settling in. The sky was gray and white with the thick clouds of a passing storm. Thunder rumbled in the distance every once in a while, but rain was not expected for the game. The ground had been covered with a layer of frost earlier that morning, but it had since then melted and was doing a good job of soaking the shoes of the students as they headed off to the Quidditch field, wrapping their robes and scarves tightly around them.

Malik was second-guessing whether he should have left his scarf in the dorm because it bore the Slytherin colors. He was not used to such cold and he really missed that added clothing. Halfway to the field, he gave up and turned back to get it. Yugi frowned at him as he left. The stands were already almost filled. They were never going to get good seats.

Ron, and Hermione were also running late. Snape seemed to have just realized that he had been almost ignoring them for the majority of the school year thus far and, in a stroke of sudden meanness, ordered them to return the banner they’d made to support Gryffindor to their dorm because it would “obstruct the view of the other spectators”. The Slytherin supporting sign seemed to have escaped his gaze. By the time Ron and Hermione had gone the Gryffindor common room and back, the game was about to start and only the seats closest to the ground (and thus, the worst) were available. They weren’t alone, though. Malik and Yugi were stuck right next to them. But they were all determined to make the best of the situation and would be cheering their hearts out anyway.

In the Gryffindor locker room, Ryou had finally managed (after the third attempt) to get his robes on correctly. His hands were shaking so badly that he could barely work the buttons and laces. He took several deep breaths, trying to calm himself. He clutched his Solar Flare, tightened his brilliant scarlet robes around him, and sat on the bench beside Harry to wait for instructions. He anxiously fingered the millennium ring under his robes without realizing it. Harry gave Ryou what he hoped was a comforting smile. Ryou returned it, but Harry could tell it was forced. For all the secrets and mysteries surrounding the white-haired boy, Harry really didn’t like seeing him so disturbed. He felt that he could relate to him. Harry recalled his first Quidditch game and how he acted almost the same way Ryou was acting now. He understood fully what the new Chaser was going through.

This being their first game as captains, the twins were as tad stressed as well, but they hid it to the best of their ability. It would do the team no good to see them anything but pumped.

“Alright, guys,” Fred spoke up, clapping his hands once to gain the attention of his teammates. A confident smile was plastered to his face with an identical one on George’s. “Wood was always the one for cheesy speeches and we know you expect no such cheesiness from us.” The team members who weren’t choked with nerves laughed. “But you all know this is an important match which we can’t afford to lose. So your best, have fun, and if you take a few Slytherins out in the process, we won’t hold it against you!”

The team stood and cheered. Ryou did his best to be happy with the rest of the team. He pushed his fears and worries to the back of his mind and tried to feed off the excitement of the other players. He swallowed hard and followed them out into the field where the whole stadium erupted in yells and cheers.

((What’s your problem?)) Yami Bakura asked, finally acknowledging the goings on as Ryou joined his teammates in the center of the field. ((This is what you wanted, isn’t it?))

((Yeah...)) Ryou muttered mentally. ((I guess it is.))

The spirit of the millennium ring paced back and forth in his soul room, shaking his head at his host. ‘The boy never knows what he wants,’ he thought silently. ‘I have a feeling this isn’t going to end well.’

When Ryou glanced up at his opponents, it seems as if they were all glaring threateningly at him. Then it was gone and he was left to question whether he’d actually seen it or not. He rationalized, saying his eyes were just playing tricks on his brain. But that other team was led by Malfoy, and Ryou knew well that Malfoy was going to be out for him. He only hoped the Weasly twins were as good at being beaters as they said they were. He felt he would need all the help he could get.

Madam Hooch walked briskly out onto the field and stood between the two teams. She eyed each of the new players, as if sizing them up. Then she nodded, almost approvingly. “I want a good, clean game!” She shouted, addressing everyone. “Mount your brooms!”

Ryou’s sweaty palms griped his Solar Flare as he slid one leg over it. His heart climbed up to his throat with apprehension, waiting for the signal for the start of the game. This was it...this was what they’d practiced for.

“It’ll be alright,” Harry whispered in some last words of encouragement as he stood next to Ryou, straddling his Firebolt. “This’ll be fun.” Ryou nodded.

Madame Hooch put her silver whistle to her lips and the shrill cry echoed over the stadium. The Quaffle flew high into the air and every broom lifted off the ground and shot towards the rider’s position.

“And veteran Chaser Angelina takes the Quaffle first,” announced Lee Jordan, friend of the Weasly twins and commentator for the Quidditch games. “She’s off to a great start! The Bludgers are nowhere near her! Slytherin Chasers Johanson and Quigley are right on her tail, but I don’t think they’ll catch her! She’s looking good!”

Yugi, Malik, Ron, and Hermione cheered from the stands at the tops of their lungs. This was Yugi and Malik’s first time seeing a real game and they were every bit as excited as the other Gryffindors had been to see the duel disks in action. Things moved so fast. Yami marveled at it from his soul room, and, for a fleeting moment, which he would never admit to, he envied Ryou for being able to play.

Ryou hovered above the scene, waiting to see if he was needed. Angelina seemed to have things under control. She had a clear path to the goal. He seemed to be in a good position as well. Malfoy was with Harry high overhead, scanning the field for the snitch. Ryou thought hopefully that he wouldn’t have to worry about him after all. He flew lower, offering Angelina backup.

Out of nowhere, a Bludger came streaming towards them. It missed Angelina by a good three feet, but Ryou had to roll to avoid it. His gaze darted about, looking to see where it had come from. He’d thought the Slytherin beaters were still far behind them, but no.

“Oh! Slytherin Beater Anders sneaks in low and sends one flying!” Jordan announced. “Misses Angelina by a mile but nearly nails new Gryffindor Chaser Bakura! But he hasn’t got the Quaffle, Slytherin! Need to work on that aim!”

Having to dodge had slowed Ryou down and he was in no position to help his fellow Chaser, but she didn’t need his aid. She managed to fake out Slytherin’s Keeper and score the first goal of the game, making it 10-0 Gryffindor.

A roar erupted as Gryffindor supporters cheered. Ryou tried to slow the furious beating of his heart. Not five minutes into the game and already he’d had a close call. And he hadn’t even been the target. Right?

The Quaffle was in play again and was in Slytherin’s possession. The opposing chasers were juggling the Quaffle just out of reach of the Gryffindor chasers and were quickly nearing the goals. Ryou dove in to help. Another Bludger came flying his way, but he saw it coming this time, was able to dodge with relative ease and didn’t linger on it. His teammates were moving so fast; Ryou was having trouble following. He was grateful for Lee’s commentary.

“The Slytherins near the goal. This could even the score! Johanson fakes left! Shoots for the center goal! Oh! Intercepted by Angelina! She’s really on her game today!”

Ryou and the other new Chaser, Josie, moved in on each side of Angelina as they made their way to their goals. They’d practiced this formation over and over. Angelina rose and dropped the Quaffle into Josie’s hands. The twins kept the Slytherin Beaters at bay. Josie pulled ahead, Ryou and Angelina just behind her. A Slytherin Chaser managed to get in front and block her path, but she readily passed to Ryou, who managed to catch and hold on to the ball. He dove under the obstacle, looking desperately for someone to pass to. The longer he held the ball, the greater his chances of screwing up.

Josie was still blocked and Angelina was too far away. Ryou had to get in closer. He leaned forward, pushing his broom for more speed. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, something flew at him. A second Slytherin Chaser (who’s broom was much faster than Ryou’s) had maneuvered around the field and come right at him. Ryou yelped in surprise, pulling his broom upward. The Slytherin shot beneath him.

Ryou fumbled with the Quaffle in his hands, almost losing his grip on it. The same Slytherin circled around and came at him again. Ryou tried to veer to left, but his adversary made a sharp turn at the last second that Ryou couldn’t dodge completely. The opposing Chaser grazed Ryou’s side causing him to drop the Quaffle…right into the first Slytherin Chaser’s hands.

Ryou cursed mentally and doubled back. But his broom was made for maneuvering, not speed. He couldn’t catch up and the other Slytherins held his fellow Gryffindor Chasers back. The score was tied, 10-10.

The game continued in favor of the Slytherins. With their inexperienced Chasers and Keeper, Gryffindor was soon losing, 70-10. Slytherin was extremely aggressive and the newer players were taken off guard by their underhanded tactics. Ryou had narrowly missed several collisions and Bludgers. He was starting to get the feeling that they were gunning for him, but he dismissed it as paranoia.

High above the field, Harry’s well-trained eyes scanned the game for that familiar glint of gold. He knew from Lee’s commentary that the match was not going well for his team, and the sooner he caught the Snitch, the better. At the rate they were going, however, it wouldn’t matter who got the Snitch and the points that came with it, Gryffindor would lose anyway. Ryou felt he was to blame. He’d messed up more than once. But the heated competition of the game the jeers of the Slytherins made him determined to prove he could do this.

Slytherin was in possession again. Angelina signaled to Ryou. He nodded and urged his broom forward. Dean was looking panicky as the Slytherins moved in.

“Slytherin looking to score again!” Lee announced. “Quigley closes in! He makes for the goal! Oh! Angelina comes through and snatches it away, passing immediately to Bakura. Slytherin’s Beaters send a Bludger right at him, but it shoots past! Gryffindor’s looking good! Oh! Another Bludger at Bakura but he dodges with ease. Love that Solar Flare series! Slytherin trying to hold him off, but Gryffindor Beater George sends the Bludger back and throws them off course. Or was that Fred? Ah, who knows? Bakura passes to Josie! It’s looking good! Oh! Ten points Gryfindor! Hey! Another Bludger sent Bakura’s way! Slytherin must not have liked that last score! But you’ll have to step it up to outmaneuver the Solar Flare!”

Ryou was out of breath. Something was flying at him every minute, whether he had the Quaffle or not. If he dropped his guard for even a moment, it could mean the end of the game for him. Well, if he was going to be targeted (as he was sure was Malfoy’s plan) he might as well give them a reason for it.

The game heated up. Angelina would get the Quaffle, Josie would shoot, and Ryou accepted the task of getting it safely across the playing field. This simple strategy worked amazingly well against Slytherin, for no matter how many times they hit the Bludgers at him, Ryou was able to sense it and dodge. The Weasly twins, however, were getting annoyed with Slytherin’s dominance of the Bludgers and the first chance he got, Fred (or George) sent one back and gave a Slytherin Beater a bloody nose. There was a slight pause while Madame Pomfrey fixed him up. During that time, Malfoy flew in to speak with his other Beater. Looking rather angry, he whispered furiously and pointed across the field at Ryou and then made a motion under his chin like his were slitting his throat. Ryou gulped. That wasn’t a good sign.

((Isn’t it against the rules for them to target a single person?)) Yami Bakura asked. Ryou sighed.

((No, I’m afraid not. As long as the Quaffle’s in play, I’m a fair target.))

((I don’t like this game. I get the feeling they’re cheating. That Malfoy kid’s looking to put you out of the match.))

((Relax,)) Ryou urged. ((I told you, they’re allowed to come at me like that. Now don’t talk to me while the match is on or you’ll be the one that gets me killed. I need to focus.))

Gryffindor’s comeback had placed them a mere ten points from the tie. The injured Slytherin Beater came back and the game continued. Madame Hooch threw the Quaffle back into play. Angelina caught it and made a quick pass to Josie. Ryou got in position, ready to do his part.

Josie handed the ball off to him. He turned towards the goals, only to almost crash into a brute of a Slytherin who was defiantly blocking his path. Ryou pulled up to get around him.

There was a sudden rush of air by his ear. A Bludger had just missed him. Another was heading his way, but Fred came to his rescue and beat it away.

But the Bludgers had served as a distraction. With Ryou’s attention elsewhere, two Slytherin Chasers closed in on Ryou from the sides and another from underneath. Ryou didn’t have the speed to pull away and they were blocking his quick escape routes.

The only way to go was up. Ryou desperately tried to pull out of the situation. But as he rose, something dove at him from the heavens, too big to be a Bludger. Ryou had to lower his altitude again to dodge, and he found himself once more in Slytherin’s trap.

Harry had followed Malfoy in his sudden dive, only to discover that it had not been because of the Snitch. Malfoy almost took Ryou’s head off with that dive. Ryou’s situation was finally brought to Harry’s attention. The twins were at a loss. If they hit a Bludger in an effort to save Ryou, there was also a very good chance they’d end up hitting him. And since Ryou had the Quaffle still, his captives were doing nothing against the rules.

Harry was neck and neck with Malfoy as they both pulled up again. “Call your goons off of Bakura!” Harry shouted. “That’s a cheap move and you know it!”

“No confidence in your teammate, Potter?!” Malfoy shouted back, smirking.

Harry wanted to do something but didn’t dare. Any move made against the Slytherins could end up hurting Bakura.

From the stands, Malik was yelling his opinions of the Slytherin players (and their mothers) in very loud and obscene words. Yugi, Ron, and Hermione were also up in arms about Slytherin’s unbelievably bad form. “Can’t they stop them?!” Yugi asked.

“They’re not breaking any rules,” Hermione said helplessly.

“To Hell with the rules!” Malik shouted. “This shouldn’t be allowed!” Ron was inclined to agree.

Ryou panicked. He didn’t know what to do. He was caged in. The Slytherins pressed in from the sides and Ryou found himself smashed between them. He couldn’t control his flight. He was at their mercy and they weren’t too keen on showing him any.

((Drop the ball!)) Yami Bakura ordered. ((They can’t do this if you don’t have the ball!))

((NO!!!)) Ryou answered. ((I’m not yielding to them!))

((Idiot, you can’t win this! Do what you have to do to get out of this!))

“NO!!!” Ryou shouted aloud. He struggled against his captives but to no avail. He was pinched tightly between them. They were now carrying him at a speed faster than his own broom was capable of.

((If you won’t do it, I will)) Yami Bakura stated. Ryou felt his other half moving in on his consciousness.

((No, don’t!)) Ryou objected.

((You’re being stubborn and stupid, and I’m going to do what needs to be done!)) Yami Bakura argued back.

“STOP IT!!!” Ryou shouted the protest at the top of his lungs.

The Ring flashed brilliantly, the light piercing through Ryou’s robes as he and the spirit fought for control. The light grew in intensity as the Ring surfaced through Ryou’s clothes as if they were nothing.

“Hey!! What the-?!!!” yelled Ryou’s captives in their confusion. The light nearly blinded them. They veered off, away from the mysterious glow.

Ryou was free, but the suddenness and speed of his release coupled with his internal struggle left him with nothing but the laws of physics in control of his flight path.

((Back off! They let me go!)) Ryou said as soon as he realized it. Yami Bakura said nothing, but the glow of the Ring ceased. The boy regained himself and desperately tried to get some control over his flight, but he couldn’t slow his speed. He looked up and his eyes widened. He was going to crash into to goals! With only seconds before impact, Ryou adjusted his direction as best he could…and shot right through the center goal.

The crowd erupted. Shouts of amazement and encouragement rang out. Bakura wasn’t sure why… sure it had been a really tight fit (it gave Ryou the shivers as he now realized just how tight it had been) and the confused Keeper was quite amusing, but it wasn’t that great. It was an accident, after all. Then he noticed the Quaffle was still in his hands. He’d just scored. And he tied the game.

Lee was going crazy. “I don’t believe it Hogwarts! In a move not seen at this school in over 200 years, Gryffindor evens the score in one of the riskiest plays I’ve ever seen a Chaser perform!!! Bravo, Bakura!! Good show, indeed!!!”

Malik, Yugi, Ron, and Hermione cheered loudest of all. Not only had Ryou gotten out of a potentially hazardous situation, but he had turned it into points for the team in one awe-inspiring move. It was truly one for the history books. Yugi and Malik were a little concerned about the light they had seen (it was only for a split second, but they knew what it was), but things seemed fine now.

Ryou’s heart pounded in his chest and he fought to catch his breath. What he’d just done was slow to register, but when it did, he couldn’t have been happier. He’d done something praise-worthy. Something to be proud of, accident or not. He’d probably catch it from Yami Bakura later, but it was worth it. This was a moment where he could really shine. He grinned from ear to ear.

In his moment of joy, Ryou failed to notice the Slytherin Beater behind him. He failed to notice the Bludger hit his way until the last second. He turned to dodge too late to escape. While the Bludger only grazed the top of his head, the aim of the Slytherin Beater’s bat was true.

Whether the Slytherin beater had done it intentionally, or if it was a mere accident while trying to hit the Bludger, only the Slytherin team would know. Either way, Ryou was effectively struck down. With a collective gasp from the crowd, Ryou plummeted towards the ground like a stone.

Malik, Yugi, Ron, and Hermione stood aghast, eyes wide. Hermione clapped her hands over her mouth. Helpless, they watched their friend fall.

Twenty feet from the ground, the boy’s flight arched up and he regained altitude. His speed slowed…slowed until he was at a silent hover. His head was slightly bowed, allowing his hair to cast a dark shadow over his eyes. A strange golden ring dangled from his neck. A trickle of blood ran down his cheek from a wound on his forehead.

Madame Hooch blew her whistle to halt play before leaving the field to alert Madame Pomfrey. The white-haired boy continued to hover. Silent. A drop of blood fell from his chin, landing on his hand. Then, as if triggered by this small event, the field began to darken. A mysterious shadow slowly moved over them, consuming the field and everyone in it.

A profanity escaped Malik’s lips before he moved to action. “Come on, Yugi! We need to get down there, NOW!” Yugi wasn’t going to argue.

“Wait! What’s going on!” Hermione yelled after them.

“Come on,” Ron said. They way he figured it, it would do more good to follow than ask questions.


Chapter 37
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