To subscribe to the
Kokoro no Naka mailing list for updates and talk on the site, please send
a message to <>
Okay, people? Bashing
not helpful.
It's been brought to my attention that
some people saying they're my fans or fans of my site have been bashing
Janime because of the mess over the cap. While the idea behind
defending me here is appreciated, DO NOT bash Janime or her site. It only
makes things worse. Let me take care of this, okay? Thanks.
New forum for the Masses
New Forum created: KnNLite
None of the restrictions the regular forums
have. So please, everone who's using my guestbook as a forum, stop and
go use this forum instead.
Will be putting a link up on the main sometime
Manga update and museing
on makeing a 2nd forum.
Finaly got m'rear are around to updating
the Manga section. Vol
35 is now up.
Due to people on the guestbook trying to
use it like a forum, I'm debating creating a 2nd forum. If created, it'll
be a regular forum without admin approval or quality controlls, alot more
laid back and generic. It'll still have basic rules [no double posting
and whatnot] but not the anal half o the rules [you know, the ones that
make KnN forums the bastion of sanity for me. :)]
Opinions? Post em in the tagboard or email
266 caps [new record @_@] caps from 202.
And I've got 197 and 198 ready for capping, so I will get to those capped
sometme soonish.
Well I'm a moron...
Back in late feb, I added in Bakurae galleries
And apparently never linked them in...
Didn't even link them on the bottom of
the perveious gallereies...
So unless you knew they were there, ya
couldn't get to em.
So I fixed that now... ^^;;;;
252 caps of ep201
Caps from ep 201 are up. I'll eventualy
get back to update the rest of the page.
255 caps of ep200
255 caps of ep 200. @_@ Most screencaps
ever gotten from a singel episide. I need a nap...
199 and preview 200
Caps for ep 199 and the preview for 200
are up! Bakura and Yami Bakura are back in the anime and a new clip will
be soon made available.
Also, posted in the forum, a Judy &
Fran humour fic for Passover. Enjoy. :)
Eps capped: 1-127, 183-196,
199 (1st series 1-11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22)
Current publicly available
clip: Yami Malik gets Bored
Current publicly available
track: Kami no Ikari
Isis galleries 11 & 12; Group - Duel
Tower 1-3, Jounouchi, DT1 & 2, Malik & Yami Malik, DT 1-8 added.
And I must appologize, the quality of the
images from here in is a bit lower the the others because the quality on
my source is lower. Nothing I can do about it, sorry.
Eps capped: 1-127, 183-196
[71%], (1st series 1-11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22)
# of caps: 11,467 [estimated]
Current publicly available
clip: Yami Malik gets Bored
Current publicly available
track: Kami no Ikari
Compleateion of Uberupdate
Kaiba Noa Arc Galleries 2-23 added, and
2 new image sections added: Noa, and Misc.
And on the news side, fwee, KnN got an
Massive gallery update!
The entire Noa arc has been capped! @_@
Anzu 16, Honda 15-18, Group, NA: 6-27,
Card 9-12, Jououchi BS-5 has new images, and added NA 1-5, Malik NA1-2,
Mokuba 10-17, Shadi 2 has new image, Others 6, Otogi 6-8, Shizuka 3&4
& Yuugi NA 3-7
Soon to come, Kaiba Noa Arc Galleries,
2 new image sections: Noa & Gozaburo, and Misc.
Eps capped: 1-121, 183-196
[69%], (1st series 1-11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22)
# of caps: 11,105
Current publicly available
clip: Yami Malik gets Bored
Current publicly available
track: Kami no Ikari
196 & galleries
Anzu galleries 12-15, Card galleries 7
& 8, Item gallery 4 and Ep 196 added.
Also, made a new Bakura winamp skin and
uploaded it.
Videos in Goodies should be fixed now and
will be adding in the 2nd ed and op soon.
Current publicly available
clip: Yami Malik gets Bored
Current publicly available
track: Kami no Ikari
First Series ep 13
Thanks to Nina, screen caps from ep 13
are now up.
Also, new staff addition, AirSpiritX from
Network will be helping me with ep summeries.
Belated 194 and 195
Due to troubles with my internet conenction,
I only got 194 and 195 last night, hence the dely getting them capped.
Currently redoing the manga section. Takeing
down the larger scans and redoing the smaller ones to be larger. [250 width]
This saves space and bandwidth and effort. Full size manga scans are available
by request for Goodies Program members. Update of new pages comeing
soon to the Manga secion, thanks to recent donations that are allowing
me to order the most recent manga. Big thanks to Rebecca, Sariah, Amanda
& Alicia!
Massive gallery update!
New Kaiba, Yuugi, Group [Noa Arc] Isis,
Mai, Honda and Rishid galleries.
Current publicly available
clip: Yami Malik gets Bored
Current publicly available
track: Kami no Ikari
13 new Malik galleries. Enjoy.
New Galleries
Image update
In the middle of processing over 1000 screen
caps from eps 90 - 99. Rishid's gallery has been redone and updated [100+
images added, if I recall right] and the Mokuba gallery has similary been
redone with 3 new pages.
Random stats: 191 caps were taken from
ep 95, which is a new record for me. Over 200 group eps, 90 Bakura/Yami
Bakura, 100 Isis, 90 Kaiba, 75 Mai, 260 Malik/Yami Malik and 90 Yuugi images
are being readied for addition to the galleries and there will be a new
Items, Card, Anzu, Honda, Jounouchi and Otogi gallery. So I think every
gallery [exepct Pegasus and the minor duelists] is getting an update this
week. @_@
Image update
2 new Jounouchi galleries and 5 new group
Some of you may have noticed the newer
images now have watermarks of the Sennen Ring on em. Various reasons for
this, alot of it being people who are taking advantage of the free use
policy and not bothering to link back or just not caring. Doing my best
to make it unobtrusive and to keep it out of the way of the 'action' of
the image. Default position is the bottom right corner unless it's going
to be covering something and then it'll be in one of the other corners.
The mark is currently 47x39 pixles and a 30% transparancy [some caps it's
larger and stronger from when I was first using it. DEcided it was too
strong so edited it for the newer ones.]
The full sized versions are still watermark
free, as people who request them are not the people who tend to abuse the
site like that.
The next ep I cap will probally be 93 or
later cause I'm just not intrested enough in YMalik vs Mai to cap it, and
I'm rather far behind capping anyway. Similarly, not going to do too much
capping of the Noa arc. Mostly going to cap the Kaiba flashback sections
and similar because the Big Five dueling parts just kinda put me to sleep.
Also, if someone wishes to be very kind
to me, I am currently too broke to get the latest manga. Any help in that
are would be greatly appreciated.
New BS caps! Finaly!
Finaly got around to capping ep 88 and
89. Processing em at the moment, but currently have finished a massive
update to Malik's galleries. Galleries have been reformated [split between
Battle City and Battle ship] with over 100 new images added. More updates
in Images to come with in the week.
Latest Ep update
Capped and uploaded images from eps 191
and 192. Also redid the caps of the 5th op so they're much better quality
now. Enjoy!
Layout tweek
Fiddling with the layout for KnN. Expect
some speedbumps.
First Series ep 22.
First series ep 22 capped and uploaded.
The link to the Yami Malik clip SHOULD be fixed now.
Ever so belated, ep 190
is up.
Finaly got ep 190 capped and up. Enjoy.
AE and First Series.
First series ep 21 capped and uploaded,
and for a short while the op and ed for season 5 are up for downloading,
featureing the AE arc.
Scavanger hunt for a download.
Because so many people asked for clips,
I've decided I'm going to start putting up one of the video clips in multimedia
at a time, randomly rotateing them. Small catch: The video is password
protected. But the username and password is on the site somewhere. Once
you find it, it's not going to change, so no worries there. This is basicly
so that people who actualy read stuff on the site can download it.
Planned for upcoming updates: Fanfic ['King,
Queen, Knave' by Chris, 'Faery Dust' & 'Look the other way' by Pikachumaniac,
3 ficlets from JudyNFran]
Rishid and Jounouchi galleries
Rishid's section now has 8 galleries, with
more on the way when I get to capping the next ep. Two new Jounouchu BShip
galleries added as well. Enjoy!
Planned for upcoming updates: Fanfic ['King,
Queen, Knave' by Chris, 'Faery Dust' & 'Look theother way' by Pikachumaniac,
3 ficlets from JudyNFran]
Ep 189 and 190's preview
Caps from ep 189 [169 of em. @_@] and 190s
preview are now up. And also capped the first two eps of Jounouchi vs Rishido
from Battle Ship so hopefuly those'll be up soon.
Realized I never put up 188's summery
last week, so put that up. [189's summery will be comeing sometime in the
near future]
Planned for upcoming updates: Fanfic [King,
Queen, Knave by Chris, two fics by Pikachumaniac, 3 ficlets from JudyNFran],
Galleries [Rishid, Jounouchi, group]
Video update
Goodies program update mostly: Now added
to video clips, First Series opening and ending themes and two clips. And
in the non-goodies part of video clips, added in a new gag clip. :) Enjoy.
First Series Ep 16
Ep 16 of First Series is now up, thanks
to Nina, who capped it for me.
And coming soon to Goodies, First series
ep clips, both audio and video!
Galleries update!
Jounouchi gallery redo compleate and a
bunch of new galleries added. Similarly Honda, Mai, Pegasus, Isis and Rishido
galleries updated. Enjoy!
188 Screencaps
Screecaps from ep 188 are now up, as is
the preview for 189. Also uploaded new Items and Cards galleries and 2
new group galleries. Enjoy.
187 Screencaps
Ep 187 now up in Latest Eps. Enjoy.
Manga vol 16 + 188 preview
Due to a requst, 32 pages of manga 16 are
Also have caps of the preview for ep 188
up, thanks to Over Acheiver. Ep 187 caps and summery are coming soon. [and
for those who missed, there's a summer of ep 186 in Latest Eps now.]