Episode: 1
Title: Senritsu no BURUUAIZU HOWAITO
Translation: The Terrible Blue
Eyes White Dragon
In Brief: Intro to DuelMonsters/Kaiba
is a schmuck
Major event/duel: Kaiba vs Yami
Summary: Yuugi and Jounouchi are
playing Duel Monsters before class, Yuugi talks about the game and his
grandfather's rare card. Kaiba overhears and wonders if it's the card he's
looking for. Jounouchi and Honda go with Yuugi to the shop to see his grandfather's
rare card. It's the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Kaiba shows up at the shop,
sees the card and offers Sugoroku any price for the card. Sugoroku declines,
saying it was a gift from a friend. Kaiba stalks out.
The next day, Sugoroku
is 'invited' to see Kaiba. Yuugi arives home to find his grandfather
missing and gets a call from Kaiba saying he has his Grandfather.
Yuugi arives to find Sugoroku having a heart attack and Kaiba rips up the
BEWD card. Yuugi transforms to Yami Yuugi, duels Kaiba and wins. He uses
Mind Crush on Kaiba to clear his mind. The episode ends with Kaiba's defeat
being reported to Pegasus.
Corresponds to:
Manga: Partly
Volume 2, Battle 9, and partly Voume 4, battle 27 & 28 &
Volume 5, battle 37, 38, 39 & 40.
Dub Ep: The Heart
of the Cards
Main Characters :
Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu, Kaiba. [Bakura shown, but not identified
or involved in plot.] |
Episode: 2
Translation: The Trap of Illusionist
No Face
In Brief: Intro Pegs, Duelist Kingdom
Major event/duel: Pegs vs Yami
Summary: After a humiliating defeat
by Anzu, Jounouchi asked Yuugi to look over his deck and give him advice.
Finding nothing but monsters, Yuugi invites Jounouchi back to the game
shop. Jounouchi begs Sugoroku to teach him to play Duel Monsters.
Later, the group is watching the televised broadcast of the Japan National
finals, where Haga and Ryuuzaki are dueling for the title. Jounouchi is
exhausted because of Sugoroku's training and he begs the elderly man for
a rest when he shows up with a package someone left for Yuugi. The group
watches the finals, Jounouchi saying that Ryuuzaki will win because bugs
are wimpy. Haga pulls a combo that wins the game for him. Pegasus makes
his entrance with the trophy for Haga, and then announces his invitation
for the contestants for his Duelist Kingdom tournament.
In his
limo, Pegs asks if the package has been delivered, his flunky says yes
and the scene switches back to the game shop, where Yuugi is opening said
package. Yuugi puts the tape inside into the VCR and Peg's image shows
up, greeting him and challenges him to a timed duel, a Yami no Game. Yami
Yuugi emerges and them duel. Pegasus uses his Millennium Eye to tell what
the cards Yuugi uses will be as well as implant suggestions. Yami Yuugi
is about to win when the timer runs out. As punishment for loosing and
incentive to get Yuugi to come to Duelist Kingdom, Pegasus takes Sugoroku's
Corresponds to:
Manga: Volume 7 &
8, Battle 60-62
Dub Ep: The Gauntlet
is Thrown
Main Characters :
Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu, Pegasus. [Bakura shown, but not identified
or involved in plot.] |
Episode: 3
Title: Ushinawareshi EKUZODIA
Translation: Lost Exodia
In Brief: On the boat to Duelist
Major event/duel: Haga tosses Exodia
Corresponds to:
Manga: Volume 8, battle
63 - 64
Dub Ep: Journey to
the Duelist Kingdom
Main Characters :
Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu. [Bakura shown, but not involved in plot.]
Mai, Haga, Ryuuzaki introduced. |
Episode: 4
Translation: Insecter Combo
In Brief: Welcome to Duelist Kingdom!
Go get Haga!
Major event/duel: Start Haga vs
Yami Yuugi
Corresponds to:
Manga: Volume
8, Battle 65 - 66
Dub Ep: Into the Hornet's
Main Characters :
Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu, Pegasus, Haga. |
Episode: 5
Title: Kyuukyouku kansentai GUREETO
Translation: Ultimate Compleate
Appearace - Great Moth
In Brief: Part 2 of Haga vs Yami
Major event/duel: Haga is defeated
Corresponds to:
Manga: Volume
8, Battle 67 - 68
Dub Ep: The Ultimate
Great Moth
Main Characters :
Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu, Haga |
Episode: 6
Title: Kareinaru HAAPI REDI
Translation: Becoming Magnificant
- Harpy Lady
In Brief: Jounouchi thinks of Shizuka,
gets challenged by Mai
Major event/duel: Jounouchi wins
over Mai
Corresponds to:
Manga: Volume
8 & 9, Battle 69, 70
Dub Ep: First Duel
Main Characters :
Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu, Mai. |
Episode: 7
Title: Kaijin RIBAIASEN
Translation: Sea God Leviathan
In Brief:
Major event/duel: Yami Yuugi vs
Corresponds to:
Manga: Volume
9, Battle 71, 72
Dub Ep: Attack From
the Deep
Main Characters :
Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu, Kajiki |
Episode: 8
Translation: Stolen Blue Eyes White
In Brief: Mokuba escapes, recaptured
Major event/duel: Mokuba vs Yuugi
Corresponds to:
Manga: Volume
9, Battle 73, 74
Dub Ep: Everything's
Main Characters :
Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu, Mokuba, Kaiba |
Episode: 9
Title: Kishikaisei! Magical Silk
Translation: Resuscitation! Magical
Silk Hat
In Brief: Kaiba's not dead.
Major event/duel: Yami Yuugi vs
Not Kaiba
Corresponds to:
Manga: Volume
9, Battle 74, 75
Dub Ep: Duel With
a Ghoul
Main Characters :
Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu, Mokuba, Kaiba. |
Episode: 10
Title: Kyakushuu no BURUUAIZU HOWAITO
Translation: Counterattack of the
Blue Eyes White Dragon
In Brief: Blue Eyes likes Kaiba
Major event/duel: Yuugi beats Kaiba
Corresponds to:
Manga: Volume
9, Battle 75, 76
Dub Ep: Give Up the
Main Characters :
Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu, Mokuba, Kaiba. |